Sunday 20 January 2013

[Meat Free January] MEATMission and the Halloumi Mushroom Burger

It's Friday night and our Christmas Party has just been cancelled for snow, so a group of us took down a few bottles of wine (I should probably mention tonight is also my wildcard for January drinking - the only booze I'm allowed for the whole month), and then we hit up MEATMission. 
MeatMission Burgers
From left to right: Buffalo Chicken Burger, Monkey Fingers, Fried Pickles, Cheeseburger, Bacon Cheeseburger, Chilli Hot Dog, Dead Hippie, and at the top *sob* a Halloumi Mushroom Burger at MEATMission.
I'm somewhat upset that my first visit to MEATMission had to be during the only month in my life when I'm not eating meat (it feels like Meat Free January is going on FOREVER). That said, regular readers of this blog will know that I have been working through a few veggie burgers - a portobello mushroom burger from Byron, and a halloumi burger from The Diner - and so it does give me an opportunity to sample the veggie offering from the MEAT[insert pun here] phenomenon.

But what veggie burger could possibly live up to the Dead Hippie? I was certain to be disappointed, wasn't I?
MeatMission Halloumi and Mushroom burger
MEATMission Halloumi and Mushroom burger
Well, actually, no. It was BRILLIANT. This is doubly impressive given my love of the MEATLiquor Dead Hippie burger and the MEATMarket Black Palace burger

The Halloumi and Mushroom burger is a combination of two thick slabs of griddled halloumi intersected with piles of grilled mushroom, wrapped in the legendary MEATLiquor soft white squishy bun. All that was great, however the GENIUS of this burger is in the accessorising - it's aggressively sauced with ketchup and mustard, includes chopped iceberg and onion, and a pile of the thick MeatLiquor pickles. In fact, I could BARELY distinguish the taste from it's beefy equivalent, only lacking that riff of savoury added by the beef. 

For veggie sides, I'd recommend the AWESOME deep fried pickles, although amusingly the MEATMission veggie burger also comes with a couple of sticks of carrot and celery - I can imaging the chefs laughing in the kitchen as they send these lonely vegetables out alongside a pile of burgers and dogs. 

Maybe veggie Jan is taking its toll on me, or maybe, just maybe, this is a veggie burger worthy of the carnivores...still, it WAS a veggie burger, so I also feasted (my eyes and my camera) on the general burger destruction around me...
MeatMission Buffalo Chicken burger
MEATMission Buffalo Chicken burger
MeatMission Dead Hippie burger
MEATMission Dead Hippie burger
MEATMission can be found 14-15 Hoxton Market, just off Hoxton Square, and I'll be back to consume some MEAT soon...

View the Burger Me! London Burger Map

MeatMission on Urbanspoon

Square Meal


  1. MatthewHoare21 January, 2013

    I need to check out Meat Mission, I love Meat Liquor, I just know I am going to love this too!

  2. I had a delicious meal at Meat Mission but the service was sooooooooooooooo bad! I felt pretty sick after but the dead hippie burger and the monkey fingers were AMAZING! I crave it every time i'm hung over haha.

    I've just blogged about Meat Mission check it out -


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