Thursday 26 November 2015

[Burger News] Double Up at The Diner on Black Friday

Hey, you know what, it's Black Friday tomorrow. As if you didn't know, right? And in case your inbox hasn't been flooded with deals from every retailer you happen to have accidentally shared your email address with, here's a Black Friday deal that I can get on board with.

The Diner are offering anyone who eat any of their burgers (that includes their cheeseburger, the arch burger, my favourite - the Diablo, and a host of others) a second burger patty for free. That's right, you can make your burger a DOUBLE and pay not a penny more.

Now surely that's something worth celebrating on Black Friday. Enjoy.

Wednesday 18 November 2015

Food Hoods: Get your favourite burger featured on this beautifully illustrated Food Map

We're pretty spoilt, you know, in London, with all our great burgers. (Hi again, by the way, I haven't posted for a while as I've had a busy couple of months but hopefully a few more posts coming down the pipe shortly).

I would say we've got a pretty established set of great burger slingers, and so it would seem that now is the time to institutionalise them into something beautiful. This is what I'm talking about:

A couple of weeks ago a fellow burger enthusiast (let's call him a bit of a foodie), had a chat with me about a food map he was creating - codenamed "Food Hoods". The intention is that the map will be hand-illustrated and cover the crème de la crème of the city's best food and drink neighbourhoods. This obviously appeals to me because it means that as well as being able to plan to get my burger fix around the capital, I can explore other foods in the area - recommended by peers.

Hoods that have been confirmed already are:

  • Soho
  • Covent Garden
  • Fitzrovia
  • Marylebone
  • Shoreditch, Bethnal Green, Hoxton
  • Hackney (London Fields, Dalston mainly)
  • Whitechapel & Spitalfields
  • Brixton
  • Clerkenwell
  • Bermondsey

Food Hoods is the creation of Will Moody and he wants to make sure your favourite burger joints are included on the map, which is where you lovely lot come in.

All you have to do is plug your favourite burger into the comments section below, or tweet me and Will (@HamburgerMe @FoodHoods) with your top burger restaurant in London.

Now, and this is important, you need to make sure you share your absolute number one. The place you'd go if it was your last burger in London. And Will will make sure the best ten make it onto his new illustrated map.

If you want to get your hands on a copy of Food Hoods you can pre-order your copy here - it comes as a fold-out map for sticking up on your wall or a small booklet (better for burger fans on the go). As great maps take time to produce, the first copies will be ready in early 2016. 
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