Saturday 17 May 2014

A blog about London's Burger Blogs

I kicked off Hamburger Me! at the end of  2010 in an environment where burgers were seen as a bit of a poor cousin to real restaurants across London. Since then, there has been a steady stream of London-focused burger blogs cropping up across the internet, with a range of different styles and propositions.

Here's my current bakers dozen of London's burger blogs.

1. Hamburger Me!

Run by yours truly - Hamburger Me! is your choice for the latest recommendations on where to eat and where to avoid in the capital.

I created the original London Burger Map in 2011, and my list of London's Top 10 Best Burgers is updated every 6 months.

2. Burgerac
Burger detective Burgerac focuses on some of the best burgers in London with mouthwatering pictures and prose, as well as a healthy dedication to design and all things burger-y. He works with some great artists to produce burger art, and also runs Burgerapp - an Android and iOS London burger app. Follow him @burgeracblog.

3. Burger Anarchy
Simon and Rob run Burger Anarchy and are (in their own words) "contrary wankers". They take a sarcastic view on burgers and BBQ in London (and further afield), pulling no punches in their take down of places that aren't up to scratch and wild hyperbole on those that float their boat. Follow them @burgeranarchy.

Watch out for their video features as well.

4. Burgaffair
Nick and Andy together run Burgaffair, which has been going for a couple of years now. They take down burgers as a double act - each rating the burger in a number of areas and then agreeing on a score out of 40.

The boys at Burgaffair have a burger leaderboard and a London Burger Map. Follow them @burgaffair.

5. Burger Addict
Liam from The Burger Addict has transitioned out of writing about London's burgers after taking up a job with Bleecker St. Burger to support their marketing efforts. He still covers burgers from outside London, but posting is fewer and further between.

6. Cheeseburger Boy
Cheeseburger Boy is a blog that's been running sporadically for a few years. Reviews are posted by two guys with a penchant for burgers and it focuses on London and the home counties. Follow him @cheeseburgerboy.

7. Londons Best Burgers

A parallax scrolling site with minimal information, but some serious burger porn. Follow them @LDNBestBurgers.

8. London Burger Museum

An off-the-wall tumbler with snippets of burger life. Follow @BurgerLDN.

9. London Burger Quest

Ben writes this blog, with his first posts from December 2011. He focuses on every burger, not just the 'gourmet' ones, and so he covers a range of fast food outlets, kebab shops, and cafes as well as gastro pubs and burger joints.

10. London Burger Queen

Hannah (@Hansyhobs) writes the London Burger Queen blog, expect honest write ups and some great burger pictures.

11. Burgers & Bruce
Burgers And Bruce
A combination of a Bruce Springsteen infatuation, and an unhealthy addiction to burgers marks Hannah's Burgers & Bruce blog. Expect global gig-hopping antics, and burgerporn by the bucketload. Follow @burgersandbruce.

12. Burger Mad

A London focused burger blog in its infancy run by burger fan Sean de Souza. This flip book style blog has coverage of some of the usual suspects, as well as some of the Byron specials. You can follow him @burgermad

13. Burgers and Nails

One of my favourite, off-the-wall blogs which, quite simply, takes user-submitted pictures of people eating burgers with their nails on show. Brilliant.

So there we have it folks, a bakers dozen of blogs iun London focusing on burgers. Who knew there were some many people writing about burgers in London! Have I missed out any of your favourites? Let me know...


  1. James MacLure19 May, 2014

    Solid list, however you've missed the last food dragon, he's got a tonne of burger reviews. @lastfooddragon

  2. Craving Marvin03 June, 2014

    You should try Neon Burgers on Stoke Newington High Street, new Hackney joint. Nice burgers decent grub. Maybe not a challenger to the more glorified Patty and Bun types but still a good pretender.

  3. Thanks for the tip - I'll add it to the list.

  4. Thanks for your comment James - this is a list of burger specific blogs, rather than blogs that include reviews of burgers, but appreciate the heads up.


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